Efficacy of Trichoderma against violet root rot disease of tea caused by Sphaerostilbe repens
Biocontrol agents, Tea, Trichoderma, Sphaerostilbe repensAbstract
Trichoderma viride (T. viride) and Trichoderma harzianum (T. harzianum) were screened against Sphaerostilbe repens (S. repense) causing violet root rot disease of tea through in vitro and in vivo method. In dual culture method, T. viride lysed S. repense and T. harzianum also ceased the growth of the pathogen. In case of field trials three varieties of tea TV-26 (Tocklai Variety), TV-18 and T-78 were taken. Antagonists and pathogen were applied in the rhizosphere in different combination and disease index was made after different days of interval. Rhizosphere of potted plants of one susceptible variety Teenali-17 were treated with same combination of antagonist and pathogen and efficacy of antagonists were proved through immunodiagnostic method like ELISA and DOT-BLOT.
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