Unispermospinocarpon keriensis gen. et sp. nov., a permineralized spiny fruit from the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Keria, Madhya Pradesh, India
Dicotyledonous fruit, Deccan Intertrappean, Late Cretaceous, Keria, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaAbstract
A small, elliptical, unilocular single seeded, dehiscent, small stalked, spiny fruit is described from the Intertrappean rocks exposed at Keria of Chhindwara Dist., M.P., India. The fruit is compared with modern families like Rubiaceae, Ceratophyllaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Asteraceae, Zygophyllaceae, Hamamelideaceae. The fruit could not assigned to any living family. Since it differs from the known fossil fruits, it is named as Unispermospinocarpon keriensis gen.et sp nov.
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