Histopathological Effects of the Cestode parasites on fishes from the Amravati region of Vidarbha (MS) India


  • Gaikwad PR Late. B. S. Arts, Prof. N. G. Science & A. G. Commerce College, Sakharkherda, Dist. Buldana.
  • Sonune MB Professor, Department of Zoology, Shri Shivaji Science , Arts & Commerce College, Chikhali, Dist. Buldana
  • Nagmote SR Late. B. S. Arts, Prof. N. G. Science & A. G. Commerce College, Sakharkherda, Dist. Buldana.


Scolex, Villi, Cestode etc


The histopathological studies of infected and non-infected intestinal tissue of the host; with scolex attached to the epithelium of mucosa (villi), mature and gravid segments in lumen of intestine and among the villi. It also includes cysts of parasite in submucosa of host intestine. The transverse sections of infected intestine shows the damage to intestinal villi and submucosa. Histopathology includes the study of non-infected and infected intestine of host with reference to the cestode parasites – Circumoncobothrium shindei, 1977 Senga sonunae n.sp. Lytocestus indicus (Moge, 1925), Cotugnia aurangabadensis (Shinde, 1968), Raillietina corvina (Fuhrmann, 1909).


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How to Cite

Gaikwad PR, Sonune MB, & Nagmote SR. (2017). Histopathological Effects of the Cestode parasites on fishes from the Amravati region of Vidarbha (MS) India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 4(4), 602–605. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1348