Effect of Malathion on DNA and RNA in gills of Labeo rohita
Malathion, Labeo rohita, DNA, RNAAbstract
As Labeo rohita is dominant fish of water bodies in the region, the present the effect of sublethal concentration of malathion is studied by exposing the fish to it. The estimation of DNA and RNA and its ratio were emphasized in the present investigation. The sublethal concentration of malathion was found to be 0.00053 μl/ lit. Tissue samplings were done on 0, 24, 48, 72, 96 hours on malathion exposure. DNA level was found to be reduce by 11.28, 10.74, 10.23, 11.28 % in the experimental as well as RNA level by 19.28, 19.17, 18.22, 17.79 % in the experimental animals. Obviously, the change was observed in the RNA/ DNA ratio. DNA/ RNA ratio was found to be 1.70, 1.78, 1.78, and 1.57 comparison was made with the experimental groups.
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