Habitat Destruction and Ascidian Biodiversity Loss - An Assessment
Ascidian, biodiversity, intertidal rocky area and habitat destructionAbstract
Intertidal rocky shores offer good substratum and habitat for sedentary animals accounting for the rich biodiversity. Destruction of coastal habitat by way of industrialization, port expansion activities and construction of tourist spots results in loss of marine resources. The present review focuses the loss of ascidian biodiversity from the intertidal rocky area situated near the western side of the Thoothukudi harbour North breakwater opposite to the SPIC Jothi terminal. Publications reporting the collection and biodiversity of ascidians from this area between 1980 and 2015 were reviewed in the context of destruction to the habitat. The study indicated the occurrence of 24 species of ascidians belonging to 14 genera coming under 7 families over the period of 35 years. Colonial ascidians were predominant compared to simple ascidians. Eudistoma lakshmiani, Eudistoma viride, Didemnum psammathodes, Diplosoma swamiensis, Lissoclinum fragile, Perophora formosona, Botrylloides chevalense, and Microcosmus curvus were available all through the years. The destruction of the habitat in this area has resulted in the total disappearance of marine resources and hence loss of ascidian biodiversity.
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