Quality of life evaluation in women Psoriatic patients


  • Sunil Kumar M.Sc, Research Scholar Department of Human Genetics, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002.India.
  • Tahseena Akhtar Mphil, Research Scholar Department of Human Genetics, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002.India.
  • Wani Aadil Islam Mphil, Research Scholar Department of Human Genetics, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002.India.
  • Dimple Chopra Dimple Chopra, M.D, Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology,Government Rajindra Medical College and Hospital, Patiala, Punjab, India.
  • Rajinder Kaur Assistant Professor, Department of Human Genetics, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002.India.


Psoriasis, Psoriasis area severity index, Psoriasis disability index, Patients, Quality of life


Background: Psoriasis is a common chronic, recurrent, immune mediated disease of the skin and joints, found worldwide but the prevalence varies among different ethnic groups. It is associated with significant physical and psychological burden thus has a significant negative impact on the wellbeing of affected patients demonstrable by significant detriment to quality of life. It affects all aspects of a patient’s life –relationships, social activities and emotional wellbeing. The present study was conducted to evaluate the clinical severity, the physical, mental and social disability and their interrelationship in female psoriatic patients. Materials and Methods: This study includes a total of 49 consenting female psoriatic Patients age ranged from 18-70 years, visiting OPD of various hospitals in North India. Clinical severity, physical and psychosocial stress were measured using Psoriasis area severity index (PASI) and Psoriasis disability index (PDI). Result: The clinical PASI scores correlated significantly with the PDI. Conclusion: Our findings highlight the importance of assessing the quality of life in psoriasis by employing holistic approaches that can keep patient’s overall wellbeing at par with clinical severity.


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How to Cite

Sunil Kumar, Tahseena Akhtar, Wani Aadil Islam, Dimple Chopra, & Rajinder Kaur. (2017). Quality of life evaluation in women Psoriatic patients. International Journal of Life Sciences, 5(1), 93–96. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1364