Inhibition of DMBA induced carcinogenesis in albino mice by Withania somnifera extracts
Ashwagandha, DMBA, MTT assay, in-vivo studiesAbstract
Cancer is one of the leading deaths causing disease in the world. Now a days, there are number of studies were conducted in order to eradicate cancer in the environment. From Ancient times, the medicinal plants used to treat cancer were found in different medicinal system in different parts of the world. The present study concentrates to find out the anticancer activity of medicinal plant named Withaniasomniferaagainst DMBA induced carcinogenesis in albino mice. Inorder to find the activity of the medicinal plant both invitro and invivo studies were conducted and the results confirmed that the ashwagandha has the anticancer activity and the aqueous root extract of ashwagandha had more potential when compared to the other extracts of the plant.
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