Micropropagation of Plumbago zeylanica L. using in vitro germinated seedling explants
Plumbagin, seed storage, mechanical scarification, seed germination, multiple shoot inductionAbstract
In vitro seed germination in Plumbago zeylanica L. has been achieved using combined treatment of seed storage, seed soaking, mechanical scarification and MS-basal medium supplemented with GA3. P. zeylanica seeds stored for six months soaked in distilled water for 30h showed maximum seed germination (95.55%) on ½–Murashige and Skoog basal+GA3 (3.61 μM). Hardening and survival of seedlings obtained from seed germination was 86%. Maximum multiple shoots/explant (18.02±0.09) proliferated from nodal explants cultured on MS-basal medium supplemented with BAP, Kn and Zea (4.44+4.56+2.32 μM). Maximum shoots rooted on ½–MS basal+IBA (6.15 μM) having 21.91±1.44 roots/shoot and root length 9.36±0.56 cm. Successful hardening of plantlets showed 94% of survival after transferring to garden condition. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report where in vitro developed seedling has been used as an explant source which will nullify the level of contamination in cultures. We have successfully established an efficient protocol for in vitro seed germination, multiple shoot production through nodal culture and rooting of regenerated shoots to achieve an optimized plant regeneration system along with acclimatization in natural condition. This protocol can be used for large scale commercial micropropagation and conservation purpose.
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