Fresh water fish fauna of Vishnupuri dam, Nanded, Maharashtra India


  • Shillewar KS Department of Fishery Science, Science College, Nanded (MS) India
  • Totawar DV Department of Fishery Science, Science College, Nanded (MS) India


Freshwater fish fauna, fishes, Vishnupuri dam


River Godavari is the most important river in Maharashtra and the source of capture fishery in this region. River Godavari is orginated from Trimbakeshwar, Dist. Nasik. It flows 7 District in Mahrashtra, one of the District is Nanded. Godavari River flow 10.5 Km. in Nanded. Vishnupuri Dam is constracted on River Godavari. Fishes are major food resources of this world. The Vishnupuri Dam is Perennial water body of Nanded City, water is used for water supply and irrigation purpose. Fishes were collected from Vishnupuri Dam during 2016-2017 by different types of nets. 21 species belonging to 12 Genus, 4 Order, and 6 Family were recorded from this region.


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How to Cite

Shillewar KS, & Totawar DV. (2017). Fresh water fish fauna of Vishnupuri dam, Nanded, Maharashtra India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 5(2), 283–285. Retrieved from