Histoacryl Glue versus Polypropylene Suture Mesh Fixation in Lichtenstein Inguinal Hernioplasty
Polypropylene mesh, Lichtenstein inguinal hernioplasty, histoacryl, postoperative pain, quality of lifeAbstract
Background: Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most common operations in general surgery. The Lichtenstein tension-free operation has become gold standard in open inguinal hernia repair. Despite the low recurrence rates; pain and discomfort remain a problem for a large number of patients. Aim: This study was to compare suture fixation vs. histoacryl sealing using a monofilament prolene mesh. Patient and Methods: A total of 100 patients randomly underwent primary inguinal hernia Lichtenstein repair fixing the mesh by prolene suture or by histoacryl; in both cases the mesh was fixed to the posterior wall of the inguinal canal and to the inguinal ligament. Follow-up time was 6 months. Results: Significantly, less postoperative pain was reported in histoacyl sealant group compared to the suture group Additionally, trends toward a higher postoperative quality of life, a faster surgical procedure, and a shorter hospital stay were seen in the sealant group.
Conclusion: A widespread technique for the treatment of inguinal hernia is the application of a mesh using Lichtenstein procedure, the prosthesis can be fixed by traditional suture or using a new method of sutureless fixation with adhesive materials that shows an excellent local tolerability and lack of adverse effects and contraindications.
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