Effect of NPK and blended fertilizer application on Yield, Yield Component and its profitability of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) varieties under rainfed condition in north western Tigray, Ethiopia


  • Redai Weldegebriel Tigray Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), Shire-mytsebri Agricultural Research Center (SMARC) P.O.Box 241, Shire, Ethiopia
  • Tesfay Araya Department of Agronomy, University of Fort Hare, PBX1314, Alice 5700, South Africa
  • Yemane G. Egziabher Mekelle University, Department of Dryland Crops and Horticultural Sciences, College of Dryland Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mekelle, Ethiopia


Blended fertilizer, Dekeba, Melkam, Profitability


Sorghum (Sorghum bicolar (L.) Moench) is an important cereal crop, which requires high dose of nutrient for optimum growth and productivity. Even though it is highly adapted to different agro ecology, its yield is constrained by declining soil fertility due to nutrient depletion, low level of fertilizer use and unblended application of fertilizer. An experiment was conducted in Shire-mytsebri Agricultural Research Center; at Sheraro sub site in north western Tigray, Ethiopia, during the main cropping season of 2016 with the aim of to evaluate the effects of NPK and blended fertilizers on yield, yield components and economic profitability of selected sorghum varieties. The treatments comprised factorial combination of ten levels of fertilizers (N, P, Blanket recommendation (NP), NPK, NPS, NPKS, NPKSZn, NPKSZnB, NPKSZnB Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) and Control (0) and two sorghum varieties (Melkam and Dekeba) tested in a Factorial Randomized Block Design(RCBD) with three replication. A data of Phenological parameters, yield and yield components were taken. There was significant interaction effect of fertilizer treatments and sorghum varieties on most of parameters studied. Significantly higher grain yield was recorded in Melkam (5541 kgha-1) treated by NPKSZn. Biomass yield was obtained higher at NPK from Melkam (21087 kgha-1) and Economic analysis indicated that the application of NPKSZn to Melkam variety accrued the highest gross and net return. Application of NPK to Melkam variety accrued the highest benefit: cost ratio. Even though the highest biomass yield and grain yield were recorded in Melkam treated with NPKSZn but the highest % MRR was recorded for Melkam treated by NPK. Thus, farmers can use fertilizer containing NPK to improve sorghum yield at profitability level.


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How to Cite

Redai Weldegebriel, Tesfay Araya, & Yemane G. Egziabher. (2018). Effect of NPK and blended fertilizer application on Yield, Yield Component and its profitability of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) varieties under rainfed condition in north western Tigray, Ethiopia. International Journal of Life Sciences, 6(1), 60–68. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/1433