Determination of nutritional potential of five important wild edible fruits traditionally used in Western Himalaya
Organic phytochemical, nutritional potential, Energy value, Supplementary dietAbstract
Wild edible fruiting plants sustain numerous organic phytochemicals and significantly contribute to the nutritional security of mankind that have been linked to the promotion of good health. However, the detailed analysis of health promoting organic compounds and nutritive minerals present in these fruits were explored very little in the Himalayan region. In the present investigation, nutritional potential of five wild edible fruits of the plant species like Rubus ellipticus Smith, Rubus paniculatus Smith, Benthamidia capitata Wllichex. Roxb, Coriaria nepalensis Wllich and Pyracantha crenulata D.don. were evaluated by determining proximate nutrient and mineral analysis. This study indicated that highest carbohydrates (80.71g/100g) and protein (10.49g/100g) was recorded in P. crenulata and C. nepalensis respectively, however, fat (4.56g/100g), sugar (27.95g/100g) and energy value (373.28 Cal/100g) were recorded maximum in R. paniculatus. Contrary to this the mineral composition in all fruits varied greatly and maximum nitrogen value (1.67%) was found in C. nepalensis, whereas minimum (1.35%) in P. crenulata. The Phosphorous was recorded highest (56.83%) in R. ellipticus and lowest (30.55%) in C. nepalensis. However, the Calcium was found greater (63.76 mg/100g) in R. paniculatus while lower (53.06mg/100g) in R. ellipticus fruit. The study revealed that these wild fruits exhibited high nutritional composition therefore, could be used as supplementary diet in mountain region and should be promoted to conserved and enhanc their genetic diversity.
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