Interaction of phosphorus and foliar zinc on seed quality and aspergillus infection on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes in dryland area of Tanqua Abergelle, Ethiopia
Groundnut is an important oil and protein crop in Ethiopia. Abergelle is one of the dryland part of Ethiopia that is agro ecological potential to groundnut production. Management practice and Lake of improved varieties are a major limitation for low yield and seed quality. Due to this intervention, field experiment was implementing at Sheka Tekli, dry land area of Abergelle, in 2017/2018 cropping season to investigate the interaction effect of phosphorus with foliar zinc application on groundnut genotypes to seed yield and quality traits. The design is arranged in split plot assign with three replications. The treatments are consisted of three groundnut genotypes (ICGV00308, ICGV 91114 and sedi) including the standard check (Sedi) as main plot and four interaction (P with Zn) fertilizer level at 0kg (control), (10kgP/ha +0.50 gZn/L), (20kgP/ha + 1gZn/L,)( 30kg P/ha + 1.5 gZn/L) as sub plot was used. Nutritional quality of the crop: crude protein content (%) and fat (%) and seed yield significantly affected by interaction effect of the combine fertilizer PZn and genotypes. Hence, the highest seed yield (2529kg/ha), crude protein content (37.79%) and net return (43,519.34) from (30 kgP/ha+1.5gZn/L) with standard check (sedi) variety could be conclude to high seed yield, protein quality and profitability advantage (11.1%) of groundnut production compare to the varieties without fertilization. Whereas the highest percentage of fat (43.95) was extracted from the genotype ICGV00308 with (30 kgP/ha+1.5gZn/L).The main effect of genotypes revealed significance influence on the aspergillus infection (35%) from the standard check sedi variety than the new genotypes. Using this study as a tool, further research will be conduct to increase yield of the crop.
Keywords: Groundnut genotypes, Phosphorus, Foliar-spraying zinc, Seed yield, Seed quality, BCR.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Hintsa Meresa, Yemane Tsehaye

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