Application of biodiversity offsets concept for sustainable road development in some hill roads in India
Biodiversity Offsets, , Bio-banking; , Habitat banking,, Polluter pays,Abstract
Threats to biodiversity transport systems often cover large distances or form widespread networks, affecting biodiversity locally and regionally. Direct impacts include road kills (mostly mammals), disturbance (felling of roadside trees, increased noise, etc.), spills and contaminated runoff. Most such impacts occur during the construction stage, or result from vehicle operations. Indirect impacts are generally more critical for biodiversity, as improved access to remote areas frequently leads to unsustainable resource exploitation, and land-use and population change. In hill road construction biodiversity is affected by hill cutting, landslides, valley side slips and forest and agriculture land diversion. Strong efforts must be made to ensure sustainable road development with a aim to conserve natural resources which support rural livelihoods. In road development especially in hill road biodiversity conservation need to be planned based on biodiversity offsets with an aim of overall biodiversity gain. The central as well as state governments, need to promote for biodiversity offset credit and bio-banking concept to implement biodiversity offset.
Keywords: Biodiversity Offsets, Bio-banking; Habitat banking, Polluter pays,
A.Sita Ramakrishna & David Sapzova (2012) Innovations in development - Using Bioengineering to Stabilize Landslide Prone Hillsides. The World Bank
Ahmed SE, Lees AC, Moura NG, et al., (2014) Road networks predict human influence on Amazonian bird communities, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281; 20141742.
Banerjee Samar Kumar, Banerjee Mousumi and Srivastava Anjani Kumar (2018) Ethnobotanical uses of some Hill road side Pteridophytes in Mizoram, India, Int. J. of. Life Sciences, Volume 6(3): 761-768
Banerjee SK (2013) Environmental Consideration in Planning and Design of Highways” Journal of the Indian Road Congress , vol 74 no 2 pp 391-396
Biodiversity offsets-IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), September, 2016.
Convention on Biological Diversity, India's Fifth National Report, 2014
European Commission (2000) romoting sustainable transport in development cooperation [COM (2000) 422].
Forman RTT and Alexander LE (1998) Roads and their major ecological effects. Annual Review of Ecological Systematics 29: 207-231
FSI (2011) India state of forest report-2011, Forests Survey of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, Dehradun.
Geneleti D (2003) Biodiversity Impact Assessment of roads: an approach based on ecosystem rarity”, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Volume 23(3) page 343-365.
ICOET (2002) International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET).
Jackson SD, Smith DJ and Gunson KE (2015) Mitigating Road Effects on Small Animals. Pp. 177-207 In Andrews, K. M., P. Nanjappa, and S. P. D. Riley (eds). Roads and Ecological Infrastructure: Concepts and Applications for Small Animals. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
OECD (2016), Biodiversity Offsets: Effective Design and Implementation, OECD Publishing, Paris
S.K.Banerjee, M.Banerjee and A.K.Srivatava (2016) Natural resource management with innovative road bioengineering concept during gregarious flowering of bamboo in Mizoram” New approaches and recent challenges in Botany, pp 275-278
Samar Kumar Banerjee, Anjani Kumar Srivastava (2019) Assessment of Diversity and Traditional Uses of Bryophytes along Some Hill Roads in a Biodiversity Hot Spot Region of India-A Case Study of Mizoram. International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. Vol. 4, No. 3, 2019, pp. 73-82.
Samar Kumar Banerjee, Mousumi Banerjee, Anjani Kumar Srivastava (2019): Distribution of Ethno Medicinal Plants along Some Important Roads: A Case Study of Northern Mizoram. American Journal of Plant Biology. Vol. 4, No. 2, 2019, pp. 16-23
Samar Kumar Banerjee, Mousumi Banerjee, Anjani Kumar Srivastava (2018) Assessment of Diversity of Pteridophytes along Some Hill Roads in a Biodiversity Hot Spot Region of India – A Case Study of Mizoram. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 5, Issue 9, pp 6864-6877.
Swamliana (2013) The book of Mizoram Plants, Published by P.Zakhuma, Chanmari, Aizawl. Mizoram. Zobel DB, Singh SP (1997) Himalayan forests and ecological generalizations. BioScience, 47: 735–745.
A.Sita Ramakrishna & David Sapzova (2012) Innovations in development - Using Bioengineering to Stabilize Landslide Prone Hillsides. The World Bank
Ahmed SE, Lees AC, Moura NG, et al., (2014) Road networks predict human influence on Amazonian bird communities, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281; 20141742.
Banerjee Samar Kumar, Banerjee Mousumi and Srivastava Anjani Kumar (2018) Ethnobotanical uses of some Hill road side Pteridophytes in Mizoram, India, Int. J. of. Life Sciences, Volume 6(3): 761-768
Banerjee SK (2013) Environmental Consideration in Planning and Design of Highways” Journal of the Indian Road Congress , vol 74 no 2 pp 391-396
Biodiversity offsets-IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), September, 2016.
Convention on Biological Diversity, India's Fifth National Report, 2014
European Commission (2000) romoting sustainable transport in development cooperation [COM (2000) 422].
Forman RTT and Alexander LE (1998) Roads and their major ecological effects. Annual Review of Ecological Systematics 29: 207-231
FSI (2011) India state of forest report-2011, Forests Survey of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, Dehradun.
Geneleti D (2003) Biodiversity Impact Assessment of roads: an approach based on ecosystem rarity”, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Volume 23(3) page 343-365.
ICOET (2002) International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET).
Jackson SD, Smith DJ and Gunson KE (2015) Mitigating Road Effects on Small Animals. Pp. 177-207 In Andrews, K. M., P. Nanjappa, and S. P. D. Riley (eds). Roads and Ecological Infrastructure: Concepts and Applications for Small Animals. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
OECD (2016), Biodiversity Offsets: Effective Design and Implementation, OECD Publishing, Paris
S.K.Banerjee, M.Banerjee and A.K.Srivatava (2016) Natural resource management with innovative road bioengineering concept during gregarious flowering of bamboo in Mizoram” New approaches and recent challenges in Botany, pp 275-278
Samar Kumar Banerjee, Anjani Kumar Srivastava (2019) Assessment of Diversity and Traditional Uses of Bryophytes along Some Hill Roads in a Biodiversity Hot Spot Region of India-A Case Study of Mizoram. International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. Vol. 4, No. 3, 2019, pp. 73-82.
Samar Kumar Banerjee, Mousumi Banerjee, Anjani Kumar Srivastava (2019): Distribution of Ethno Medicinal Plants along Some Important Roads: A Case Study of Northern Mizoram. American Journal of Plant Biology. Vol. 4, No. 2, 2019, pp. 16-23
Samar Kumar Banerjee, Mousumi Banerjee, Anjani Kumar Srivastava (2018) Assessment of Diversity of Pteridophytes along Some Hill Roads in a Biodiversity Hot Spot Region of India – A Case Study of Mizoram. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 5, Issue 9, pp 6864-6877.
Swamliana (2013) The book of Mizoram Plants, Published by P.Zakhuma, Chanmari, Aizawl. Mizoram. Zobel DB, Singh SP (1997) Himalayan forests and ecological generalizations. BioScience, 47: 735–745.
A.Sita Ramakrishna & David Sapzova (2012) Innovations in development - Using Bioengineering to Stabilize Landslide Prone Hillsides. The World Bank
Ahmed SE, Lees AC, Moura NG, et al., (2014) Road networks predict human influence on Amazonian bird communities, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281; 20141742.
Banerjee Samar Kumar, Banerjee Mousumi and Srivastava Anjani Kumar (2018) Ethnobotanical uses of some Hill road side Pteridophytes in Mizoram, India, Int. J. of. Life Sciences, Volume 6(3): 761-768
Banerjee SK (2013) Environmental Consideration in Planning and Design of Highways” Journal of the Indian Road Congress , vol 74 no 2 pp 391-396
Biodiversity offsets-IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), September, 2016.
Convention on Biological Diversity, India's Fifth National Report, 2014
European Commission (2000) romoting sustainable transport in development cooperation [COM (2000) 422].
Forman RTT and Alexander LE (1998) Roads and their major ecological effects. Annual Review of Ecological Systematics 29: 207-231
FSI (2011) India state of forest report-2011, Forests Survey of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, Dehradun.
Geneleti D (2003) Biodiversity Impact Assessment of roads: an approach based on ecosystem rarity”, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Volume 23(3) page 343-365.
ICOET (2002) International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET).
Jackson SD, Smith DJ and Gunson KE (2015) Mitigating Road Effects on Small Animals. Pp. 177-207 In Andrews, K. M., P. Nanjappa, and S. P. D. Riley (eds). Roads and Ecological Infrastructure: Concepts and Applications for Small Animals. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
OECD (2016), Biodiversity Offsets: Effective Design and Implementation, OECD Publishing, Paris
S.K.Banerjee, M.Banerjee and A.K.Srivatava (2016) Natural resource management with innovative road bioengineering concept during gregarious flowering of bamboo in Mizoram” New approaches and recent challenges in Botany, pp 275-278
Samar Kumar Banerjee, Anjani Kumar Srivastava (2019) Assessment of Diversity and Traditional Uses of Bryophytes along Some Hill Roads in a Biodiversity Hot Spot Region of India-A Case Study of Mizoram. International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. Vol. 4, No. 3, 2019, pp. 73-82.
Samar Kumar Banerjee, Mousumi Banerjee, Anjani Kumar Srivastava (2019): Distribution of Ethno Medicinal Plants along Some Important Roads: A Case Study of Northern Mizoram. American Journal of Plant Biology. Vol. 4, No. 2, 2019, pp. 16-23
Samar Kumar Banerjee, Mousumi Banerjee, Anjani Kumar Srivastava (2018) Assessment of Diversity of Pteridophytes along Some Hill Roads in a Biodiversity Hot Spot Region of India – A Case Study of Mizoram. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 5, Issue 9, pp 6864-6877.
Swamliana (2013) The book of Mizoram Plants, Published by P.Zakhuma, Chanmari, Aizawl. Mizoram. Zobel DB, Singh SP (1997) Himalayan forests and ecological generalizations. BioScience, 47: 735–745.
A.Sita Ramakrishna & David Sapzova (2012) Innovations in development - Using Bioengineering to Stabilize Landslide Prone Hillsides. The World Bank
Ahmed SE, Lees AC, Moura NG, et al., (2014) Road networks predict human influence on Amazonian bird communities, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281; 20141742.
Banerjee Samar Kumar, Banerjee Mousumi and Srivastava Anjani Kumar (2018) Ethnobotanical uses of some Hill road side Pteridophytes in Mizoram, India, Int. J. of. Life Sciences, Volume 6(3): 761-768
Banerjee SK (2013) Environmental Consideration in Planning and Design of Highways” Journal of the Indian Road Congress , vol 74 no 2 pp 391-396
Biodiversity offsets-IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), September, 2016.
Convention on Biological Diversity, India's Fifth National Report, 2014
European Commission (2000) romoting sustainable transport in development cooperation [COM (2000) 422].
Forman RTT and Alexander LE (1998) Roads and their major ecological effects. Annual Review of Ecological Systematics 29: 207-231
FSI (2011) India state of forest report-2011, Forests Survey of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, Dehradun.
Geneleti D (2003) Biodiversity Impact Assessment of roads: an approach based on ecosystem rarity”, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Volume 23(3) page 343-365.
ICOET (2002) International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET).
Jackson SD, Smith DJ and Gunson KE (2015) Mitigating Road Effects on Small Animals. Pp. 177-207 In Andrews, K. M., P. Nanjappa, and S. P. D. Riley (eds). Roads and Ecological Infrastructure: Concepts and Applications for Small Animals. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
OECD (2016), Biodiversity Offsets: Effective Design and Implementation, OECD Publishing, Paris
S.K.Banerjee, M.Banerjee and A.K.Srivatava (2016) Natural resource management with innovative road bioengineering concept during gregarious flowering of bamboo in Mizoram” New approaches and recent challenges in Botany, pp 275-278
Samar Kumar Banerjee, Anjani Kumar Srivastava (2019) Assessment of Diversity and Traditional Uses of Bryophytes along Some Hill Roads in a Biodiversity Hot Spot Region of India-A Case Study of Mizoram. International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. Vol. 4, No. 3, 2019, pp. 73-82.
Samar Kumar Banerjee, Mousumi Banerjee, Anjani Kumar Srivastava (2019): Distribution of Ethno Medicinal Plants along Some Important Roads: A Case Study of Northern Mizoram. American Journal of Plant Biology. Vol. 4, No. 2, 2019, pp. 16-23
Samar Kumar Banerjee, Mousumi Banerjee, Anjani Kumar Srivastava (2018) Assessment of Diversity of Pteridophytes along Some Hill Roads in a Biodiversity Hot Spot Region of India – A Case Study of Mizoram. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 5, Issue 9, pp 6864-6877.
Swamliana (2013) The book of Mizoram Plants, Published by P.Zakhuma, Chanmari, Aizawl. Mizoram. Zobel DB, Singh SP (1997) Himalayan forests and ecological generalizations. BioScience, 47: 735–745.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Banerjee Samar Kumar , Pandey Viswakant , Srivastava Anjani Kumar

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