Sex determination of humans by polymerase chain reaction amplification of the DEAD box protein (DDX3X/DDX3Y) gene
DDX3, DEAD box protein, humans, PCR, sex determinationAbstract
Molecular sexing of humans is normally done by PCR amplification of Y chromosomal fragments, or coamplification of homologous fragments from both sex chromosomes. The human sex test is part of commercially available PCR kits which do not always generate accurate and reliable results. Therefore, a simple and precise method for sex determination in humans are a pre-requisite for a number of applications in forensics and for large scale screening. In this study, we have developed a simple, rapid, accurate and reliable test for sex diagnosis in humans using the PCR technique for amplification of the DEAD box protein gene DDX3 (DDX3Y and DDX3Y) that was established in an earlier study as valuable tool for sex determination in cattle meat. This PCR method has demonstrated 100% gender specificity, and more importantly, false positivity and/or false negativity did not occur. We proved the reliability and accuracy of the protocol developed here when the blind test showed 100% concordance. The DDX3-based markers developed here can be used as be simple, precise and relatively cost-effective tools for sex determination in humans for a number of applications in forensics and a wide range of other applications. The human sex-specific markers generated here could be applied to any biological trace in forensic investigations or any other application requiring human sex determination. To our knowledge, this is the first study of its kind to elucidate or test the usability of the targeted gene (DDX3) for determining human gender.
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