Biocontrol efficacy of selected mosquitocidal bacteria
Mosquitocidal, Insecticides, resistance, biocontrol agentsAbstract
Insect species represent the largest percentage of the world’s known species. They are undoubtedly the most adaptable life forms existing on the Earth. Less than 0.5 percentage of the total number of the known insect species are considered as pests. Among these, mosquitoes pose a major threat to public health by transmitting diseases like malaria, dengue, chikungunya etc. Only four classes of chemical insecticides have been approved by WHO with less target sites. Indiscriminate use of these synthetic insecticides and resultant selection pressure on insect populations has caused many mosquito species remain resistant to widely used insecticides. Hence, alternative approach has been initiated to use biological agents. This biocontrol strategy is important in order to counter the evolution of resistance in target populations and possible effects on non target organisms. Unlike chemical insecticides, biocontrol agents are host specific, safer to the environment, find easy application in the field, long-lasting effect with single application and cost effective production. In this context, this paper reviews about the important mosquitocidal bacteria and their efficacy against different mosquito species.
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