Modulation of blood profile of juvenile Cyprinus carpio exposed to imidacloprid
Cyprinus carpio, Imidacloprid, Blood.Abstract
Cyprinus carpio is a common fresh water fish abundantly distributed in ponds, beels and canals of India. The fish is regularly consumed because of its high nutritional value. Pesticides are common pollutants of the aquatic environment because of their persistent and tendency to concentrate in aquatic organisms. This freshwater fish is continuously exposed to imidacloprid toxicity as this pesticide enters the body through gills and contaminated food. Fresh water C. carpio were exposed to different concentrations of imidacloprid for varied span of time in controlled laboratory condition to measure haematological responses. Data is indicative of cellular stress in C. carpio that may lead to decline population size in its natural habitat.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Bej Suman, Chatterjee H Nilanjan, Giri Lopamudra, Mukhopadhyay K Sayan, Ganguly Partha, Mukherjee Suman

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