Ichthyofaunal diversity in contaminated site and normal site of Nagaram Lake, Warangal.
Nagaram, Fish, Drainage, Warangal, IchthyofaunaAbstract
In the present study we made an attempt to assess the fish diversity in polluted region and normal regions of the Nagaram lake,Warangal district, Telangana. The complete drainage water of Warangal urban area passed away from the city and entering into the Nagaram Lake from the past three decades. During the study period 28 different fish species belongs to six orders were observed in this lake. The fish dominance order is cypriniformes, siluriformes, perciformes, channiformes osteoglossiformes and antheriformes respectively. Among the 28 species Catla catla, is the dominant fish species followed by Labeo rohitha, and Cirrhinus mrigala in normal region. Clarius batracus, is dominant fish species in drainage blending region followed by Heteropneustus fossilis, Channa punctatus and Anabus.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Balakrishna D, Laxmiprasad K, Suresh P, Reddy Ravinder T

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