Impact of water quality parameters on diversity and intensity of biofouling at sea cage farm, Karwar, Karnataka, India
biofoulersbiofoulers, correlation, community composition, environmental parametersAbstract
Marine cage farming is becoming a viable method for marine food production and the economical viability of the production is very much influenced by infestation of biofoulers. The distribution and abundance of biofoulers depends on the environmental and hydrographical parameters of the water body. Present study was carried out to understand the impact of different parameters on the composition of the biofouling communities at sea cage farm at Karwar, India. Physico-chemical parameters were studied by taking samples from reference & cage site, at 1m, 3m and 6m depths. Even though there was no significant variation in the water quality parameters of two locations, community compositions of the biofoulers are reported to have significant correlation with the various environmental parameters. For example, Nitrite has showed a significant positive correlation with Hydroids and Sea-anemones. Many of the biofoulers showed significant positive correlation with other foulers. Present study was also attempted to understand the interdependency of the fouling species along with their dependency on the environmental parameters. Information on the correlation of environmental parameters and biofouling characteristics will help to ensure feasibility of the fish farming operations by taking appropriate decisions on site selection, duration and period of cage farming etc.
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