Response of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) as Affected by NP Fertilizer and Farmyard Manure Combined Application in Raya Azebo District, Northern Ethiopia
Pepper, Marako Fana, NP, FYM, blended fertilizer, inorganic fertilizerAbstract
Productivity of hot pepper in Ethiopia is low due to lack of improved varieties, poor cultural practices and the prevalence of diseases. This research is conducted to assess the effect of NP fertilizer application and Farmyard Manure on productivity and economic feasibility of Marako Fana pepper variety in Raya Azebo district, Northern Ethiopia. Thecombination of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of nationally recommended NP and 10 t ha-1 FYM as well as four control treatments (unfertilized, 100% FYM, 100% NP and blended fertilizer/NPS) were used in this study. The national recommendation of NP fertilizer was 82 kg N+92 kg P2O5 ha-1 while the highest FYM application as sole fertilizer was 10 t ha-1. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. All other management practices were implemented as per national recommendation for the variety. The crop phenology, growth and yield components were significantly influenced by treatment combinations and blended fertilizer application. More specifically, an application of 50 % of the recommended NP fertilizer combined with 5 t ha-1 FYM as well as the 75 and 100% NP rates in combinations with 2.5 and 5 t ha-1 FYM gave significantly maximum total dry fruit yield ranging from 2.25 to 2.50 t ha-1. However, the application of half rates of recommended NP in combination with 5 t ha-1FYM produced significantly the maximum total and marketable dry fruit yield of 2.495 and 2.375t ha-1. It is recommended to apply an integrated fertilizer management approach. Furthermore, as the study had conducted at one location for a single season, it is also recommended to repeat the study across representative locations of the district both under rain fed and irrigation conditions.
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