Seasonal diversity of Zooplankton in Bembla river of District Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India
Zooplankton, Diversity, Bembla River, Yavatmal district.Abstract
The Present study deals with the seasonal diversity of zooplankton in Bembla river district Yavatmal. Samples were collected from two regions of the river khadaksawanga and Babhulgaon region during the period of one year durinf September, 2016 to August 2017 at the interval of each and every season of per month.The specimens were assessed to study seasonal diversity. The samples belongs to Protozoa, Rotifers, Dadocera, Nematada, Branchiopoda were reported. Out of this studied zooplankton the diversity of Protozoans and Rotifers were dominant. This seasonal study reveals the variations in zooplankton and it was maximum in summer and minimum in rainy and winter season.
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