Effect of Tuber Size, Storage Time and Storage Environment on Storage losses of Some Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Cultivars
dormancy, sprouting, potato, tuber size, diffused light storageAbstract
A study was conducted to investigate the influence of tuber size, storage time and storage environment on storage losses and seed tuber quality of selected potato cultivars under diffused light storage (DLS) structures in 2012/2013 in Tigray region, North Ethiopia. The treatments consisted of three environments, three potato cultivars and four tuber size categories arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Data pertaining to postharvest and sprouting characteristics were recorded for 28 weeks at monthly interval. Gudene and Jalene cultivars recorded more number of sprouts per tuber at Felegeweyni storage environment. In contrast Gera cultivar recorded few numbers of sprouts until week 28. All cultivars exhibited minimum physiological weight loss percentage and tuber decay at Felegeweyni storage environment. With increasing storage time, number of sprouts, percentage of physiological weight loss and decay of tubers increased. At Felegeweyni storage environment, large tuber size categories of all three potato cultivars had more number of sprouts per tuber, reduced tuber decay and lowest percentage of weight loss than in the other two storage environments. It is therefore recommended that for a sustainable quality seed supply, medium and large tuber size categories of potato should be stored at the cool highland environments.
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