Genotype by environment interaction and grain yield stability of early maturing Food barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes in the drought prone areas of Tigray region, northern Ethiopia
Stability, Grain yield, Environment, Genotypes, TigrayAbstract
An experiment on evaluating the performance of food barley genotypes for food quality and yield related traits were carried out at Atsbi , Dugua Tembien and Gulomekeda in Tigray Region. The objectives of the study was to evaluate the yield and yield related performance of different food barley genotypes under different locations .The experiment was conducted Alpha lattice design with three replications. The trial was conducted two growing seasons (2013-2014) Performances of thirty two food barley genotypes with standard and local check (ERETH07-79, Demhay, ISEBON-60#1, ISEBON-71, ERETH07-66#1, ERETH07-69#1, ERETH07-85#1, ERETH07-65#1, ERETH07-84, Tselim Ekli#1, ISEBON-91#1, ERETH07-80#2, ERETH07-78, ERETH07-78, ERETH07-39#1, ERETH07-47#1, ERETH07-68#1, ERETH07-90, Abay#1, ERETH07-59#1, ISEBON-50#1, ERETH07-11#1, ERETH07-49#1, ERETH07-51, ERETH07-51#1, Eritrea07-78, ERETH07-80#3, ISEBON-89, Eritrea07-71, ERETH07-80, Sae’sae (local check), Fetina and Dafo(standard check)) were evaluated. The combined analysis of variance showed that there were significant variations among genotypes, environments and their interaction. Based on grain yield, ERETH07-51 (1.74 t/ha) and ERETH07-80 #3(1.72 t/ha) had scored the highest yield, while the local check yielded the least (1.43t/ha). With respect to the multivariate stability parameters, the different models identified the stability performance of the genotypes. Based on the overall rank sum of stability parameters, the lines, ERETH07-80#2, ERETH07-80#3 and ERETH07-51#1 were the most stable varieties, while ERETH07-47#1and ERETH07-65#1 the least stable once. Since the tested varieties had shown differential yield responses across the environments, it is concluded that varietal recommendation should be based not only on overall mean yield, but also on their stability performance.
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