Existence of the freshwater fish faunal diversity in Osmanabad district (MS), India
Fish faunal diversity, Cypriniformes, Siluriformes, PerciformesAbstract
The present study deals with the existence of the fish faunal diversity in riverine and reservoir in Osmanabad district (Mah), India. During the investigation study period 2015-16 it was observed that the number of 26 species of fish fauna belonging to 12 families and 6 orders were recorded. The Cypriniformes represented 11 species of the fishes, followed by Siluriformes - 6 species, Perciformes - 5 species, Ostcoglossiformes - 2 species, Anguilliformes - 1 species and Synbranchiformes - 1 species were observed. The highest number of 11 species was recorded in the order of Cypriniformes. The predominant order of fish fauna in this district are Cypriniformes, Siluriformes and Perciformes. All above fish fauna species recorded were found to be widely distributed in the riverine and reservoirs. Detailed results are summarized in the present paper.
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