Studies of morphological and biochemical parameters of Oryza sativa L. seedlings under salt stress
Rice seedlings, Salt, Stress, Morphology, BiochemistryAbstract
A preliminary study of the manifold works done to apprehend the effect of salinity and the response of the crop in turn has been illustrated here. With respect to the devastating effect of salinity on this staple food crop, it is very important assimilate the knowledge of the response of the crop towards salinity. The germination percentage, Root and Shoot length, pigments and all biochemical parameters decreased with the increase in Salt Stress to rice seeds.The Low salt concentration has affected the biochemical parameters slightly, but increase in treatment decreased the parameters like Amino Acids (Root), Protein (Shoot) and DNA (Shoot). The Protein content in Root and RNA content in Shoot did not respond to the treatment of NaCl to rice seedlings. However, there was increased response of Protein (Root and Shoot), DNA and RNA (Root) contents. Overall, The salt stress has a little effect on biochemical parameters studied in the seedlings of oryza sativa L. This work is a minor attempt to summarize the salient contributions and breakthroughs made in this area in the course of understanding the response and thus the plant defence to fight salinity as a stress.
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