Utilization of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) for sustainable agriculture


  • Dalvi Sanjay M Department of Botany, Shri Guru Buddhiswami Mahavidyalaya, Purna (Jn.) – 431511
  • Rakh RR Department of Microbiology, Shri Guru Buddhiswami Mahavidyalaya, Purna (Jn.) – 431511


Rhizosphere, Phosphorus, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria


After Nitrogen Phosphorus is the second most required macronutrient for plants. It is required from molecular level to physical development of plants. Most of the soils contain high levels of Phosphorus. However P forms many insoluble complexes with Calcium, Iron, and Aluminium. It makes the nutrient a paradox. It is reported to be critical factor of many crop production systems due to limited plant available P forms in soil.  80% Phosphorus from soil remains unutilized. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria provide an eco-friendly alternative to convert insoluble phosphate into soluble forms. Species of PSB like Bacillus, Rhizobium and Pseudomonas have ability to release metabolites such as organic acids to carry out mineral phosphate solubilization. The present review is focused on an urgent need of shifting towards a more sustainable agriculture by using PSB.



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How to Cite

Dalvi Sanjay M, & Rakh RR. (2019). Utilization of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) for sustainable agriculture. International Journal of Life Sciences, 7(4), 691–699. Retrieved from https://ijlsci.in/ls/index.php/home/article/view/314