Evaluation of Poultry Feed Supplementation in Developing Poultry Birds
Molluscan feed, Chicks, Bone, Minerals Composition.Abstract
This study evaluated that the supplementation provided as poultry feed at early developmental stages of poultry birds to showed significant growth and development. Such as water, protein carbohydrates fats minerals and vitamins are essential to life, growth, production. The morphological study of growth of chicks was taken in the laboratory circumstance when they were rearing. The nurture in laboratory situation was observed the development and growth on the basis 31 days of rearing of differentiate groups of chicks.
In the present trialing, young chicks were provided with regular white grains as a conventional food along with formulated feed supplementation containing with whole molluscan animal and shell crush to the experimental groups and observed for 31 days in the laboratory situation exposed the admirable weight over the control chicks with hygiene. It was found that 40-50 % increase in weight was observed after 31 days indicating the overall growth development of the birds feed with additional diet for evolutionary study.
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