Bacterial and Fungal Microorganisms Diversity of Machilipatnam Coast (India)
Mangroves, Bacteria, Fungi,, DiversityAbstract
The present study on the Microorganisms Diversity of Machilipatnam Coast in the mangrove region leads to findings of several species of Bacteria and Fungi belonging to various genera. These microorganisms are taxonomically diverse and genetically special. Mangroves are an important part of the coasts acting as an intermediary zone between land and water. In the present study Field Collection trips were undertaken at Station I (Pedapatnam) and Station II (Polatitippa) for a period of one year spanning between January 2017 and January 2018. Sediment Sampling was done at regular intervals. Water samples were collected from the stations just below the surface, Sediment samples were analysed for concentration of organic matter, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Iron and Manganese. This helped in determining the ecological factors for the growth of microorganisms. Mangroves are rich in bacterial flora. The bacterial population is huge and greater than Fungi. In the marine environment 90% of the bacteria are Gram negative as their cell wall is better adapted for survival. The open sea is a fungal desert where yeast or lower Fungi are attached to planktonic organisms or pelagic animals. The higher marine Fungi occur as parasites on plants and animals or as symbionts in marine lichens and algae. Samples were collected using Grabs, the central portion of the sediment sub samples were collected aseptically by alcohol rinsed polyvinyl core with 3 cm diameter. The top fraction of the sediment samples were used for analysis.
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