Preservation of biological tissue samples and their effective DNA extraction
Tissue preservation, tissue fixation, DNA extraction, DNA quantificationAbstract
The quality and quantity of a biological tissue sample is a major concern in tissue preservation and DNA extraction. It affects the success of DNA analysis and the overall quality of the final DNA profiling. DNA studies are of utmost importance in biological sciences. A tissue sample has to be properly fixed and preserved for its successful DNA analysis. Fixation of tissue is an initial and important step in tissue processing in histological examination. A fixative basically forms the cross-linking between the proteins present in the sample to help in retaining its appearance for life and hence it fixes the sample, whereas, a preservative is used to keep and store the sample for a long time without getting degraded. Historically, formalin and ethyl alcohol (ethanol) has been the most commonly used fixative and preservative for biological specimens respectively. There are different methods of tissue preservation which have been used earlier which includes natural as well as artificial methods. Little is known about natural substitutes of preservation. Less is known about the most suitable method for DNA extraction and yield from them, in the past researches. This review article is aimed to present an understanding of tissue preservation methods. Moreover, because of the carcinogenic nature and toxicity of formalin and considering it as a poor conserver of nucleic acids, a quest for its substitute has already begun. In addition, the parameters of different preservation methods with respect to DNA extraction are discussed here.
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