Evaluation of phytochelatin mediated heavy metal (HM) uptake efficiency of wheatgrass plant from heavy metal contaminated soil
Wheatgrass plant, Heavy metals, Phytochelatin, PhytoremediationAbstract
Phytoextraction - form of phytoremediation involves growth of tolerant plants in contaminated soils; plants take up large amounts of heavy metals from the soil, depleting it of the target pollutants and translocating them to the aerial parts of the plant. In the present study phytochelatin synthesis in Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum) was used as a measure for phytoremediation of heavy metal (Cr, Pb, Cd) contaminated soil for a period of 14 days. Phytochelatin (PCs) – small metal binding polypeptides are synthesized non-translationally from reduced glutathione by enzyme phytochelatin synthase in hyperaccumulating plants only when exposed to heavy metal toxicity which translocate contaminants in plant vacuoles making them inert. Wheat grass is a hyperaccumulator species for Cr, Cd, Pb, Zn etc. So, PC content in Wheatgrass plant exposed to varying concentration of heavy metals was assessed by Ellman’s Test Protocol and changes in factors influencing phytoextraction like plant growth rate, biomass, phytotoxicity were observed alongside to study the efficiency of phytoremediation. An increase in PC content was observed in the order Control < Cr < Pb <Cd. With the plant exposed to Cd producing maximum phytochelatin. Gradual decrease in plant growth rate and biomass content was observed after tenure of 14 days
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Copyright (c) 2021 Tirodkar Tanuja V, Ambre Snehal J, Vaishnavi Bhike, Vighnesh Ghag

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