The COVID-19 pandemic: Impact Assessment on Poultry Farming in Aurangabad District of Marathwada region.
COVID-19, Poultry Farming, Aurangabad, MarathwadaAbstract
The COVID-19 is a major and wide global issue concern to the health of human being, it can lead to various severe problems created adverse impact on various agro-based sectors including poultry farming. Researchers from different fields have studied about the issues and have addressed the possible impacts of COVID-19 on variety of complex issues and problems associated with the poultry farming. Therefore, the present study aimed at to assessed the condition and challenges of COVID-19 by linking its impact on poultry farming with dependent peoples. The pandemic and lockdown impacted the overall poultry production system. This creates a results in drastic reduced value of consumption of poultry products. The study was conducted based on primary data collection, during the same period and its connection with poultry farming, its production, demand and supply was analyzed. Due to the situation of COVID-19 farmers faced various issues related to their need like low income, labor issues, starting of production, transportation problems, low demand of consumers, financial issues were identified. The present study shows that the impact of COVID-19 and its overall scenario on three different selected poultry farms in Aurangabad district. To assessing the impact on these farming a systematic study carried out with the help of collection of primary data from the study area, which provides the information about the impact on different parameters in the poultry farming.
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