Gender determination and inheritance of handwriting features: A Forensic Approach
Inheritance, Gender, Handwriting, Hormonal Changes, Neuromotor FunctioningAbstract
Handwriting is a unique characteristic of a person. As the use of documents has increased over the time, the misuse and crime related to documents has increased immensely. One of the important aspects of handwriting that helps in identification of an individual are the natural variations. Identification of gender helps in reducing the suspect pool in a significant manner. On the other side, in disputes involving family wills, property related documents, family members are the probable culprits. So, the resemblance and differences in the characteristics of family members is an important area of study. Handwriting, also known as brain writing is found to be significantly different in males and females. Due to hormonal changes and physiological differences among the different genders, the neuromotor functioning of the brain is also affected which eventually affects the thinking manner of the two, thereby causing the variations in the handwriting. There are discriminatory features which are observed in the writing of males and females which may help in the determination of the gender of the writer as well as the genotypic inheritance of certain characteristics. A detailed review of literature has been performed on the studies in various repositories, databases and scientific portals.
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