To study the effect of industrial wastewater irrigation and rain water irrigation on the soil characteristic of Vidarbha region.
Wastewater, Soil Characteristics, Physico-Chemical StudyAbstract
Safe disposal of industrial wastewater has become a challenge for industrial managers and for scientists also. Rapidly increasing industrialization and urbanization have resulted into the generation of huge quantities of wastewater. Use of untreated industrial wastewater for crop irrigation is a common practice by the farmers. The immediate solution that seems to the problem of water shortage is the reuse of wastewater generated from industrial operations and domestic usage after the suitable treatment in agriculture and related activities. The present research work deals with the study of effects of industrial wastewater irrigation on the soil characteristics of nearby area in Buldana District of Maharashtra. The data obtained in present study indicates that EC, Phosphate, TS, TDS, TSS, Ca,Mg etc., values in fertilizer wastewater whereas pH,TA,TH,Cl2 values are maximum in sewage water of Khamgaon MIDC. At Sugar Industry sites, EC, Temp., phosphate, TDS, Ca, Mg, Cl2 values in wastewater are maximum. Organic Carbon, Available N, K, P, Na, SO4, Cl2, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn were comparatively higher in wastewater irrigated soils than the tube well irrigated soil.
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