To study water quality of Shegaon town of Buldana district in Maharashtra, India
water quality, ground water, physico-chemical parameters, Drinking water standards.Abstract
In the present study, physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of different sources of surface and ground waters in Shegaon town were determined during winter 2020. The objective of the study was to assess the suitability of water for human consumption and other domestic purposes. Water samples from three different densely populated localities were collected and analyzed for various parameters using standard methods. The physico-chemical parameters of home well water were satisfactory whereas bore well water exhibited all the values as exceeding maximum permissible limit with a few exceptions of sulphate and dissolved oxygen in bore well water. The microbiological analysis revealed that with the exception of bore well water, all other waters fail to satisfy the prescribed standards set for drinking water. Therefore, the study revealed that the entire water samples investigated in the present study failed to qualify the prescribed standards for drinking water either in the physico-chemical aspects or in the microbiological aspects or both. In conclusion, effective preventive measures are to be taken immediately to save these water resources of Shegaon as it is an area of faster development and dense population.
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