Physico-chemical analysis of ground water quality from Chhohata Bazar, District-Akola
Ground Water Quality, Physico-chemical analysis, Hardness, WHOAbstract
Ground water is the main source of drinking, irrigation and for industrial purpose. Bore well water sample were collected from Six sampling points i.e. Takali, Nakhegaon, Karodi, Chohatta, Kinkhed, Mahalakshmigaon. Which was analyzed by standard analytical methods and Physico-chemical analysis was carried out in the laboratory. The physical parameter like Colour, Temperature, Turbidity, Total dissolved solids and Conductivity. Chemical parameter like pH, Dissolved oxygen, Total hardness, Phosphate, Sulphate , Nitrate,etc. were analyzed. Each parameter was compared with the standard desirable limit of that parameter in drinking water as prescribed by different agencies such as WHO standard and ISI standard. After the study it concluded that water is salinity affected i.e. water is not use for drinking purpose.
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