Efficacy of extracts of Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) & Azadirachta indica (neem) leaves against multidrug resistant pathogens
medicinal plants, pathogen, multidrug resistant, antibacterial activityAbstract
Present work mainly focuses on to determine the efficacy of methanol extracts of plants against multidrug resistant Gram-negative bacteria. These bacteria were isolated from clinical samples by standard microbiological procedure. Multi drug resistant bacteria selected on the basis of antibiotic susceptibility test by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. Methanol extracts of Oscimum sanctum(tulsi) and Azadirachta indica (neem), were tested for antibacterial activity against the selected multidrug resistant bacteria by agar well diffusion method. From different samples multidrug resistant gram-negative bacteria isolated Escherichia coli, klebsiela pneumonia and pseudomonas spp. E. coli dominant in number. Ocimum sanctum were found to be most effective with zone of inhibition rang (11-15nm) than Azadirachta indica. these medicinal plants having antibacterial activity can be used as a alternative source of medicine.
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