Isolation and study of bacteriophage of citrus canker causing bacterial pathogen


  • Gokule Kajal MES’ AbasahebGarware College, Pune. India
  • Ahiwale Sangita Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Mahatma Phule Mahavidyalay, Pimpri, Pune. India
  • Walhe Rajan MES’ AbasahebGarware College, Pune. India


Plant pathogen, Xanthomonas sp, Bacteriophage, Citrus cancer


India is at second position in the world in agricultural yield of fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruit is one of the most widely produced fruit crop globally. The five groups of cultivated citrus include sweet orange, mandarins, grapefruits, pommel and the oft-grouped lemons and limes. Limes are of vast economic value and find its place in Asian cuisines.  Many species of citrus plants are susceptible to the infections and disease caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. Citrus canker is a frightening bacterial disease of all citrus crops, caused by Xanthomonasaxonopodis. Plant diseases could be controlled by variety of ways including chemical, biological, resistance breeding, etc. Phages were discovered against plant pathogens almost a century ago but only recently been assessed for their use as biological control agents. Bacteriophages of citrus canker bacteria were first isolated and evaluated for its host specific properties in India. In the present work, two citrus canker causing bacterial cultures were isolated from citrus canker infected lime leaves. From water samples, bacteriophages were isolated which lysed the citrus canker causing bacteria tested with double agar layer plaque assay technique.



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How to Cite

Gokule Kajal, Ahiwale Sangita, & Walhe Rajan. (2021). Isolation and study of bacteriophage of citrus canker causing bacterial pathogen. International Journal of Life Sciences, 9(2), 175–180. Retrieved from