An assessment of Ecophysiology and Cyanophycean biodiversity in Gajner lake, Bikaner Rajasthan (India)
Phytoplanktons, Ecophysiology, Cyanophyceae, Biodiversity, Gajner Lake, taxonomy, morphometryAbstract
In an aquatic ecosystem Phytoplanktonic community dominated by Algae. Algae are the photosynthetic producers who account approx. one third of total photosynthetic activity on this planet. Our study deals with a freshwater lake ecosystem. Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae these are the dominant position occupying Algal classes in any freshwater ecosystem. Present paper deals with Ecophysiology of Gajner lake and taxonomical, morphometrical enumerations of reported algal taxa belongs to Cyanophyceae class. Gajner lake located around 33 kms away from Bikaner toward west side. Study was carried out for one year January 2017 to December 2017.We collected algal samples from 3 sites of Gajner lake twice in a month. Gajner lake is a part of wildlife sanctuary, managed properly under Sanctuary act. A tourist spot Gajner palace also located along the Lake.So it is less polluted. Although a portion of Lake is under village panchayat which is openly accessed by the local people of Gajner village for their multiple types of needs. At this anthropogenically accessed site Cyanophycean alga were in dominant position in view of their density and number of species. The portion of lake which is under regulation of sanctuary act has less population of these Cyanoprokaryotes. However some filamentous Cyanophycean Genus like Nodullaria,Calothrix were present in accountable density during winter season at this regulated site of lake.People of Gajner village relies on lake for their multiple type of needs ,numerous bird fauna also visit the lake in winter and summer season as suitable to them so water quality analysis is the worthy concern for study .Analysis of phytoplanktonic diversity can be utilised for the conclusion about water quality because phytoplankton rapidly respond against the fluctuation in hydrochemistry .So regular monitoring of phytoplanktons is an excellent source to decode the ecophysiological environment of a lake.
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