Effect of Azadirachtin on the haemolymph protein profile of lepidopteran pest Pericallia ricini (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae)
Azadirachtin, Pericallia ricini, SDS-PAGEAbstract
SDS-PAGE analyses are important for better understanding of insect development and physiological process. There is a significant change has been observed in haemolymph protein concentration and protein bands and its staining intensities. SDS-PAGE protein profile of haemolymph of control revealed the presence of about 18 stained polypeptide bands of varying intensities with molecular weight ranging from 14 to 97.4kDa. The protein content was found decreasing and increasing with the increased concentration of Azadirachtin treatment but the untreated set recorded maximum value. The staining intensity of 45kDa protein band was observed as a major band and also15kDa, 20kDa, 25kDa, 32kDa and 35kDa protein fraction has been observed as a thick band in the treatment. Consequently, there was a significant decrease of protein concentration was noticed with respect to subsequent treatments based on the appearance, disappearance and staining intensity of the protein bands.
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