Chemical analysis of summer honeys collected from Apis dorsata hives of Saoli Tahsil of Chandrapur district of Maharashtra State, India.


  • Laxmikant N Borkar Department of Botany, S. S. Jaiswal Arts, Comm. and Science College, Arjuni (Mor), Gondia, India.
  • Devendra M Mate Department of Botany, Nutan Adarsh Arts, Commerce and M. H. Wegad Science College, Umrer, Dist – Nagpur.


Chemical Analysis, Summer Honey, Saoli Tahsil


The present investigation was undertaken to determine the chemical analysis of 5 summer honey samples (CHN-SAO-VYD, CHN-SAO-NEEA, CHN-SAO-PET, CHN-SAO-PAT, CHN-SAO-VEH) collected from forest area of Saoli Tahsil of Chandrapur District of Maharashtra State (India). These samples were analysed for several parameters such as moisture, total reducing sugar, Levulose or Fructose, Dextrose or Glucose, L/D ratio, Sucrose, Acidity. This type of chemical analysis favours the utilization of the honey for good quality in this area.



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How to Cite

Laxmikant N Borkar, & Devendra M Mate. (2021). Chemical analysis of summer honeys collected from Apis dorsata hives of Saoli Tahsil of Chandrapur district of Maharashtra State, India. International Journal of Life Sciences, 9(2), 252–254. Retrieved from