Aflatoxins and their effects on fish health


  • Amjad Fatmi Department of Zoology, Govt. College, Dholpur- 328001. Rajasthan, India
  • Durreshahwar Ruby Department of Zoology, B. S. College, Danapur, Patna -800014, Bihar, India
  • Ahmad Masood Department of Botany, H.D Jain. College, Ara - 802301, Bihar, India


Aflatoxins, Aflatoxicosis, immunosuppressive effects, Growth, Survival, Vital organs


Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites produced mainly by two molds A. Flavus and A. parasiticus. The molds grow on a variety of imprope-rly stored foods such as Aflatoxin B1 is the most potent of all known aflatoxins and causes severe toxicity known as aflatoxicosis in a variety of animals including human beings who consume contamina-ted foods. Aflatoxicosis is found in fish also and is a matter of great concern for aquaculture industry worldwide. Aflatoxicosis in fish depends upon the species, dose of the toxin as well as the time of exposure. Aflatoxin B1 produces various effect on fish such as retard-ed growth, increased mortality, liver and kidney disfunction, immune-suppression. Long exposure to aflatoxin B1 causes hepatocellular sarcoma and hepatocellular carcinoma in fish.  This review focuses on resources, production, and control measures of aflatoxins to ensure fish safety. The review is informative for research experts in the fields.


Author Biography

Durreshahwar Ruby, Department of Zoology, B. S. College, Danapur, Patna -800014, Bihar, India




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How to Cite

Amjad Fatmi, Durreshahwar Ruby, & Ahmad Masood. (2021). Aflatoxins and their effects on fish health . International Journal of Life Sciences, 9(2), 260–268. Retrieved from