Fight against COVID-19 with technology: A review
Coronavirus, Pandemic, Transmission, RespiratoryAbstract
Coronavirus disease is an infectious disease also known as COVID-19 caused by a newly discovered coronavirus; it was named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). The COVID-19 pandemic poses a global health threat and has resulted in the largest global economic crisis since the II World War. This pandemic affects different people in different ways. Most of the infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 pandemic are – fever, dry cough, tiredness, headache, loss of taste or smell. The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes (WHO). The older people, and those with underlying medical problems are more likely to develop serious illness. In the absence of population immunity to the disease and effective treatments, extensive lockdowns and related sanitary and social distancing measures. This paper provides advancements in the treatment measures of COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world.
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