Phytoremediation and reduction of physico-chemical parameters in pond water contaminated with industrial effluent using aquatic weeds
Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, Effluent, Physico-chemical parametersAbstract
The release of industrial wastes containing heavy metals to the aquatic bodies cause deleterious effects on organisms. The disposal of effluent into nearby natural water bodies leads to depletion of DO and increase in BOD of the water. Aquatic plants were found to be very effective in the reduction of pollutants in the water bodies. Aquatic plants play a major role in stabilizing and maintaining clear water state and maintaining the water quality in aquatic system. Aquatic plants are also very effective in treatment of waste water and industrial effluents. Maximum reduction of EC, Total dissolved solids, BOD, COD, Sulphate and Phosphate was observed during 96 hours in industrial effluents by using Eichhornia crassipes than Pistia stratiotes.
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