New Tapeworm Stilesia Gangadharraoi n.sp. (Eucestoda: Thysanomidae) Fuhrmann,1907 from Capra hircus L. Parbhani (M.S.) India.
Stilesia gangadharraoi n.sp, cestode parasite Capra hircus L.Abstract
A new species of the genus Stilesia Railliet in 1893 namely Stilesia gangadharraoi being reported from Capra hircus L.(Goat ) intestine. The present cestode is having mature segments broader than long testes round to oval in shape, 18 to 20 in number and 8 to 10 on each lateral side; cirrus pouch oval, elongated, broad. Laterally at the middle of the segment; Vagina anterior to the cirrus pouch. The paruterine organs 2 in number in each gravid segment, oval, big, placed laterally in the center of segment, ovary medium, 2 in number horse shoe shaped in the middle region of segment and found in capra hircus L.
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