Ultrasonic and Viscometric studies of an Atorvastatin Drug in aqueous medium at different temperatures and concentrations
ultrasonic velocity, acoustical parameters, AtorvastatinAbstract
In the present study ultrasonic velocity (υ), density (ρ) and viscosity (η) have been measured at frequency 1 MHz in the binary mixtures of Atorvastatin with water in the concentration range (0.1 to 0.0125 %) at 303 K,308 K, 313 K using Multifrequency ultrasonic interferometer. The measured value of density ,ultrasonic velocity ,and viscosity have been used the acoustical parameters namely adiabatic compressibility (κ), relaxation time (τ), acoustic impedance (z), free length (Lf), free volume (Vf) and internal pressure (),Wada’s constant (W), Rao’s Constant(R), cohesive energy (CE) were calculated. The obtained results support the complex formation, molecular association by intermolecular hydrogen bonding in the binary liquid mixtures.
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