Primary productivity of Wardha river at Ballarpur in Chandrapur District of Maharashtra, India with reference to its fishery.
Primary productivity, Wardha river, Capture fishery.Abstract
The study of primary productivity is important for the assessment of productivity of any aquatic systems. The present investigation is carried out to understand the status of primary production of Wardha river at Ballarpur in Chandrapur District of Maharashtra. Light and Dark bottle method was followed for the estimation of primary productivity. It was carried out for the period of three months (December, 2018 to February, 2019) at monthly intervals. The value of Gross primary productivity was ranged between 71.5 – 113.16 (, Net primary productivity ranged as 29.8 – 70.2 ( and Community respiration was between 25.6 – 69.4 ( From this study, it may be concluded that, Wardha river is productive and suitable for stocking fish seed in post-monsoon period for the development of culture based capture fishery.
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