“Histopathological stress responses in digestive glands of parreysia corrugata exposed to pesticides”
Hepatopancreas, pesticides, histopathology, bivalvesAbstract
Stress developed due to pesticide contamination of aquatic environment disturbs the structural architecture of digestive glands of the bivalves. Pesticide induced stress responses in digestive glands of freshwater bivalves, Parreysia corrugata after chronic exposureto quinalphos (0.108 ppm) and thiodan (0.0708 ppm) were studied. Main histopathological damages in digestive glands observed were ruptured lobules, swelling in epithelial tissue, spaces in interlobular connective tissues, broken basement membrane, detached and scattered cells. There was increase in the size of lumen in the core of lobule due to cellular death, necrosis and degeneration of the cells and thin connective tissue. Huge gaps were also observed in the connective tissues. The cytoplasm in the cells was reduced and the nucleus was degenerated. The number and size of the secretory cells was decreased. The damages in the cytoarchitacture of digestive glands were less severe in quinalphos exposed bivalves than those of thiodan exposed bivalves. Intensity of damage in the tissues of pesticide exposed bivalves was found to be increased with increase in exposure time.
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