Comparative effects of PEG6000 and NaCl simulation osmatic induced solutions stress on morphological seedling traits in wheat plant under lab conditions
Wheat Plant, Seed Germination, Seedling Morphology Stage, PEG6000, NaCl, Biploit analysis, Euclidean DistanceAbstract
Development of water and salinity stresses tolerant genotypes through screening is one the most important strategy to overcome these problems. In the present study, seeds of 24 local and exotic genotypes of wheat were allowed to germinate at varying levels of polyethylene glycol (PEG6000) as induced osmotic water stress potential (PEG6000 0 (distilled water as a control treatment), 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) and NaCl as induced osmotic salinity stress potential (0 mM (distilled water as a control treatment), 50mM, 100 mM, 150 mM and 200 mM) for two weeks on three layers of Whatmann paper in Petri dishes in factorial laboratory experiment with three replicates and complete random design. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance (P<0.01), mean comparisons of LSD at 0.05 and 0.01 levels, biplot analysis and Euclidean distance. When data was found to be significant (P<0.01) the mean comparisons was calculated according to t-test. The results of the study indicated that there was significant decrease on germination parameters (germination percentage) and growth parameters (seedling length, root numbers, seedling fresh and dry weights, tissue water content and vigor index) with subsequent treatments. Biplot analysis classified the tested genotypes in same group as drought and salinity tolerant genotypes. Cluster analysis based on Euclidean distance, classified the genotypes into three groups. These conclusively confirm that the adverse effects of PEG6000 on germination and early seedling growth were due to the osmotic effects rather than the specific ion because of seedling growth was reduced by both stresses, but NaCl usually caused less damage than PEG6000 to wheat seedlings, suggesting that NaCl and PEG6000 acted through different mechanisms. Overall, the genotypes (L (Sids4 X Kasonygiennson-81), Bectora, Canada-462, Benisuaif-6 and CIMMET-113) and (CIMMET-251, CIMMET-270, CIMMET-234, CIMMET-95 and Gimeza-10) showed promising performance against PEG6000 and NaCl simulation levels, respectively in compared to other genotypes due to their superior performance in the study.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2022 Nada A. Asaad, Nehal G. Abdelaziz, Shereen A. A. Khalil, Ali M. Ali, Hanan E. Mohamed, Marwa A. Eltony, Omnia M. Kamal, Ahmed M. Ahmed, E. Ismail, Dr. Arvind B Chavhan, Haitham M. A. Elsayed

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