Determination of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) levels in packed and raw cow milk from Thrissur, Kerala
Milk, Dioxin, Gas chromatography, mass spectrometryAbstract
The everincreasing incidences of contamination of food from different sources form an area of concern and dioxins are one of the major contaminants of dairy products. The present study was conducted to determine the presence of TCDD in cow milk used for consumption in Thrissur District of Kerala. The milk samples were subjected to liquid: liquid extraction, silica gel clean up and injected into a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer at EI mode. Single reaction monitoring programme was done. Two brands of packaged milk were found to have the presence of TCDD at 3.11 and 24.49 ng/g of fat which exceed the international standards of residue levels.
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