A study of Avifaunal Diversity of Sakhya Sagar and Madhav Lakes and its surrounding Areas of Madhav National Park, Shivpuri (M.P.), India
Madhav National Park, Bird Diversity, Sakhya Sagar Lake, Madhav LakeAbstract
Birds are reliable and widely used indicators for conservation, planning and monitoring. In the present study, avifaunal diversity of Madhav National Park was studied to know the present status of the park from November 2018 to October 2019. Madhav National Park is located at the outskirt of Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh (INDIA). The diversity was carried out at two different stations to determine various bird species in over the study period. A total 73 species of birds were enumerated. Depending on the frequency of sightings, birds were classified as: abundant, common, occasional and rare. Out of 73 species, 47 were winter migrant and 26 species were resident. This study will be helpful to prepare a list of species.
History Society, Bombay.
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